Shuze Liu
Kempner Graduate Fellow
PhD Student in Neuroscience

Contact Information
Areas I Research:
Shuze Liu is a PhD student within Harvard’s Program in Neuroscience (PiN), supervised by Professor Samuel Gershman, and a Kempner Graduate Fellow. Before coming to Harvard, he was an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania studying neuroscience. He has worked with professors Joshua Gold, Vijay Balasubramanian, and Eugenio Piasini in exploring how humans and artificial neural networks penalize complex models during statistical model selection. He has also worked with Professors Wei Ji Ma and Luigi Acerbi in developing Bayesian models for multisensory causal inference and cue combination.
Research Focus
Liu’s current research focuses on computational cognitive science, decision-making, and computational neuroscience. He is broadly interested in the computational and algorithmic basis of human decision-making. His curiosity revolves around how humans flexibly adjust their decision strategies across environments with rich contextual information, deciding on what to generalize from previous environments and what to learn anew. He hopes to use tools from cognitive science, neuroscience, and machine learning to elucidate performance and resource considerations underlying such flexible decision-making, and develop computational models that explain human behavior.