Ella Batty

Associate Director for Educational Programs

Preferred Pronouns:



Contact Information

Subjects I Teach:

  • Programming
  • Mathematical Tools for Neuroscience
  • Computational Neuroscience

Areas I Research:


Ella is the Kempner Institute’s Associate Director for Educational Programs. In this role, Ella oversees the institute’s educational initiatives, designs and teaches workshops and courses, and organizes educational and community events. Previously, she was the Kempner’s Assistant Director for Educational Programs. Before joining the Kempner Institute, Ella served as the Associate Director of Computational Neuroscience Training within Harvard University’s Department of Neurobiology. She has held various leadership roles at Neuromatch Academy, a nonprofit dedicated to making computational sciences education globally accessible, including her current position on the Research & Development Advisory Committee. Ella holds a PhD in computational neuroscience from Columbia University, where she worked with Liam Paninski, and a BSc in Neuroscience and BA in Physics from Brown University.

Research Focus

Batty’s current research focuses on computational education.