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Spike Sorting on an HPC Cluster Workshop

Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 Time: 2:00 - 4:00pm
Location: Kempner Large Conference Room (SEC 6.242)

Join us for an interactive workshop, part of the Workshops @ Kempner series, on how to implement spike sorting algorithms for neural data on an HPC cluster. This comprehensive pipeline will allow you to efficiently spike sort data using GPUs and visualize your outputs on a web app. We will walk through an example using Neuropixels data and Kilosort 4.0. Custom data loaders and SpyKING CIRCUS can also be implemented.

Date: Tuesday March 4th

Time: 2 – 4 pm

Location: Kempner Large Conference Room (SEC 6.242)

Presenters: Janet Wallace and Ella Batty

Who can attend this workshop?
Any Harvard-affiliated students, postdocs and faculty, with priority given to Kempner community members.


  • Familiarity with HPC, including slurm batch job submission
  • Familiarity with the concept of spike sorting
  • Access to the O2 or FASRC cluster, Kempner-specific access is not necessary


Please register your interest as soon as possible here. Space is limited.

Contact Information:
For any questions about the workshop, please contact kempnereducation@harvard.edu