Boston, MA– The Kempner Institute community gathered at the Boston Museum of Science on May 29 for the institute’s inaugural Spring Into Science event, a day of community-building and scientific activities.

The day kicked off in the museum’s Skyline Room overlooking the city, with talks by PhD students Fenil Doshi and Mary Letey, followed by a longer talk entitled “Scaling and Beyond Scaling” from Kempner Co-Directors Bernardo Sabatini and Sham Kakade.

After hearing from the speakers, about 80 affiliated students, fellows, faculty, and faculty lab members participated in lively discussion groups followed by a poster presentation session highlighting recent work from Kempner-affiliated students and research fellows.

Towards the end of the day, as the formal events came to a close, Kempner community members headed into the museum to explore the exhibits. Amid crowds of school children, groups of Kempner community members could be seen meandering through the museum’s newest exhibit: “Exploring AI: Making the Invisible Visible.”

About the Kempner

The Kempner Institute seeks to understand the basis of intelligence in natural and artificial systems by recruiting and training future generations of researchers to study intelligence from biological, cognitive, engineering, and computational perspectives. Its bold premise is that the fields of natural and artificial intelligence are intimately interconnected; the next generation of artificial intelligence (AI) will require the same principles that our brains use for fast, flexible natural reasoning, and understanding how our brains compute and reason can be elucidated by theories developed for AI. Join the Kempner mailing list to learn more, and to receive updates and news.


Deborah Apsel Lang | (617) 495-7993 |